Web Project
For this project, the general idea was to work through the application Dreamweaver CC to create a website that would showcase my personal projects as well as who I am as a professional. I was provided a series of videos to get through the project steps. I created first a home page. This included my website title, a picture of me, a link menu, and my elevator pitch which I recently created in class. My link menu includes links to this blog, my projects portion of my website, the eComm website, and the ONW school website. After my home page was done, I worked on my projects page. This page has the same layout only I pasted in two of my eComm projects (How to Print a Document & SketchUp House). Once I had inserted all of my website's content, following the video, I began to personalize the design. I changed my title font and experimented with many color schemes. I tried about five schemes I found on google images and after combining a few I really like my result. To make the color scheme work better I even went back and changed my photo to black and white.
What I Learned
After doing this project I feel like I have developed a pretty good understanding of Dreamweaver. I now know how to manage the properties and insert content. Of course, I'm sure that there is a lot I could still learn about this program.
I'm pretty proud of how my website turned out. Especially the color scheme, it was difficult to find one that I didn't think looked to messy or tacky. From this project I have taken away more skill in time management and attentiveness. Since it is the end of the semester and to get everything done I really had to pay attention and stick with the video.
I had a lot of fun with this project and overall it has made me genuinely consider taking web design next school year, a class that I never though I would be interested in. I can't wait to continue working on this website in the future and possibly contribute some of its features to this blog.
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