Logo Color Schemes
Mastercard's logo uses the analogous colors red and orange. I think perhaps they used red to represent the "power" of their credit cards.
Subway's logo uses the analogous colors yellow and green. I think that this was probably in effort to make it look fresh and healthy.
Firefox's logo uses the complementary colors orange and blue. I think that they combined the trust of blue and warmth of orange to create a safe look for their internet browser.Warm
Shell's logo uses the warm colors yellow and red. I think that maybe since the two stoplight colors that mean to slow down are yellow and red that maybe they want you to see their logo and think to stop at their gas station.
Post-it's logo uses the warm colors yellow and orange. I think that this is to create a fun / happy look to a product used for traditionally boring / plain things such as school or work.
Lloyds TSB's logo uses the cool colors blue and green. I think since these are natural, landscape colors, they wanted to go for a traditional look that people can trust, since they are a bank.
The Hartford Whaler's logo uses the cool colors blue and green. I think unlike many sports logos this one was meant to have more of a trusting rather than aggressive look.
Ford's logo uses a monochromatic scale of blue. I think this was meant to create a trusting reliable feel for their automobiles.
American Express's logo uses a monochromatic scale of blue. I think this is meant to create a trusting reliable feel for their company.
Burger King's logo uses the triad colors yellow, red, and blue. I think this was meant to be an intense eye grabbing combination that would steal attention away from other one or two colored fast food logos. It also creates a powerful look that goes with their King mascot.
Wonder Woman's logo uses the triad colors yellow, red, and blue. I think this meant to look intense and powerful, which is probably why Marvel has also used these colors on other superheroes.
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