My Personality
My Myers Briggs personality type is INFJ, meaning introverted, intuitive, feeling, and judgmental. Overall, INFJs are creative nurturers. They are good at reading others and helping them sort through personal struggles. When it comes to their own emotions they are sensitive and reserved about sharing them. They are empathetic, idealistic, and motivated to achieve a bright future for both themselves and the world. They have a calm exterior personality with a rather complex interior personality that may surprise some people. INFJs are the rarest personality type, only found in 2% of the population. Some famous INFJs are Mahatma Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, and George Harrison.

I have taken other Myers Briggs tests before and I have read a lot about INFJs. I find that so far I haven't found anything inaccurate about this result. I strongly identify with the characteristics and tendencies of this type. It helps me understand better the initial perception people have of me and why people may struggle to get close to me. It also has made me reflect on the way that I take strong concern and interest in other people as well as why I find that Im so stuck in my head about the future.
How does it affect me...
On a team I think since I'm very idealistic I strive to achieve a better final outcome than other envision. Because of this I tend to take a leader role since people typically like the ideas that I come up with. I'm good about considering others when it comes to distributing work and listening to others ideas. However when I am in a group with another leader type who isn't as considerate and is more stubborn or aggressive with their ideas I struggle. I feel that my type is misunderstood as being stuck up or judgmental when we don't express our emotions or opinions directly. Sometimes I think I am perceived as weak because I am not the most assertive, but when the situation calls for it, I will not be knocked down.
My Animal Type
My animal type is Lion and Beaver. The accurate part of these are that I am goal oriented, strong, high standards, order, respect, and being overly flexible with others. However I find that I am not too argumentative, dictatorial, or harshly direct.
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